Mardi Gras, also known as “Fat Tuesday” or “Shrove Tuesday,” is a festive event that takes place annually on the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the Western Christian calendar. Mardi Gras is most commonly associated with the city of New Orleans, Louisiana in the United States, where it is a major annual event that features parades, music, costumes, and street parties. The celebration of Mardi Gras dates back to medieval Europe, where it was a way for people to indulge in foods and activities that would be forbidden during the Lenten season. Today, Mardi Gras is celebrated in many countries around the world, including France, Brazil, and the Caribbean, each with their own unique traditions and customs. The festival is known for its colorful parades, costumes, and live music performances. The most popular activities include street parades, costume balls, and the throwing of beads and trinkets to the crowds.
Paris 2024 Olympics Gymnastics Spotlight: Australia’s Largest Team Ready to Shine
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